Mental Health

Taking a "mental health day" is beneficial to your overall well-being. A day to clear the fog from your head or, reduce the chaos of sometimes thinking about the many to-dos we all have can only benefit your well-being and productivity level. Reenergizing your mood, finding your motivation and reasons to do what you do, and taking that step back to evaluate how you are handling day to day stressors is important.

There are clear signs that you need a mental health day, and it does not always involve taking a day off from work. Some people stress more at the thought of taking a day off from work that is unscheduled.

If you are developing a pattern of not sleeping because your mind is racing, or you are noticing that you physically feel anxious and medical discomfort manifestations begin to surface, it is probably time for a break in your routine.

Listening to your mind and body before it starts screaming at you can help you develop a consistent good behavior of prioritizing self-care. There are many people in your lives that love you and need you. Don't be that guy or that gal that ignores obvious warning signs of the need to slow down, take a breath, and re-prioritize your world.

Hidden Warning Signs of Depression

Changes in appetite - An unintentional change in appetite can be caused by depression. Whether someone starts to eat less and lose weight or start to eat too much and gain weight, a constant low mood can be to blame. The NHS also lists a change in appetite as a symptom of depression, but the reason for this is unclear.

People tend to feel low in energy when they are depressed . This can mean having to cook or eat may feel like too much for them. Depression can also cause people to feel sad, worthless or hopeless. With so much going on in their mind, they can forget to eat.

Low sex drive - Depression can affect your sex life, too. In fact, stress, anxiety and depression have all been found to cause a lower libido. Imbalances in the brain chemicals, such as serotonin and dopamine, are associated with depression and are thought to play a role in this change in sex drive.

Disturbed sleep - It's a vicious cycle. Poor sleep can leave you vulnerable to the darkest depths of depression. Yet being depressed and battling the challenges posed by daily life can equally ruin your attempts at getting any shut eye. It doesn't just disrupt your sleep and cause insomnia, it can also make you want to sleep all the time.

Restlessness - Depression can also cause some people's movements and thoughts to speed up, as opposed to slow down. Psychomotor agitation, which is common in psychotic episodes, can mean people are unable to sit still or relax and constantly fidget. This restlessness can also cause people to feel agitated. People with this symptom of depression can be more likely to have suicidal thoughts.

Aches and Pains - Physical aches and pains with no obvious physical issue can be a sign of depression. You can feel aches in your stomach, pain in your legs and arms and feel fatigued when you have depression. This could be because your body is in a constant state of stress, which can cause your muscles to be tense.

Signs of Depression in Children

Prolonged sadness
Lack of interest in things they used to enjoy
Fatigue and exhaustion
Insomnia or sleeping too much
Poor concentration
Lack of confidence
Eating too much or too little
Inability to relax
Feeling guilty or worthless
Numb to emotions
Thoughts about suicide or self harming
Self harming
Headache or abdominal pain
Misuse of alcohol or drugs.
Family issues

If you suspect your child is depressed, try to talk to them about how they are feeling. Let them know you are concerned and you are there if they need you. If they will not talk to you, encourage them to reach out to another relative, teacher or family friend. If this does not help, contact your GP, who may refer your child to a specialist mental-health service.

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